Patterns and Determinants of Intergenerational Resource Transfers in the City of Tehran, Iran


This study explores exchange of financial and nonfinancial resources between different generations in the family. The aim of the research is to recognize composition and age profile based on financial transfers between elderly parents and their adult children, affecting factors, and complications of this type of transfer in the 22 municipal regions of the Tehran. Data was gathered using a survey of 681 household heads who are 50 years and over in the summer 2017. The results of data analysis displays that 91.6 percent of respondents transferred financial resources to their adult children and 58.6 percent of adult children transferred to their elderly parent in past 12 months. Every household head transferred 6050 thousands IR Rials to his child and received 1680 Thousands IR Rials in the parent-child dyads. Age profile of transfers displayed that parents’ transfers to children decreased by their age and received transfers increased by the parents’ age. The results of statistical analysis show that the two most important determinants of transfers are both parties’ incomes, needs, and resources of transfer parties. Economic and socio-demographic characteristics are important determinants of transfers. The results of the investigation also illustrate transfer motivation is consistent with altruistic models.


Ali Hesari


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Economic and Demographic Perspectives on Aging


Private Transfers, Elderly Parents, Adult Children, Transfers Pattern, Altruism.