Can the Demands of the Aging Population Be Met in Singapore with the Current Model of Care?


The aging population has been increasing over the years. This research identifies the trends and analyses if Singapore can support and meet the demands in relation to the aging population with the current model of care. Quantitative and qualitative data collection with supporting interviews from stakeholders was undertaken. With the data analysis, it is evident that the demands on the aging population will not be sustainable by the government. With the preference to a changed model of care by working adults, the current model of care for the elderly is to be reviewed. There is an increasing trend with the aging population. The data are able to identify that the number of long-term beds required over the years had increased. The analysis of the data are able to identify the moderate to strong correlations to the identified variables in relation to the long-term beds required. The primary data findings are able to reflect the type of model of care the working adults would prefer in the future. This concept of a new model of care of apartments with medical facilities will be able to address the demands of the aging population as highlighted with the support of the literature review findings.


Gayathiri Pala


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Economic and Demographic Perspectives on Aging


Singapore, Aging Population