A Cloud-based Knowledge Base on Lifestyles for Ageing and Wellness


This paper introduces a cloud-based multilingual knowledge base on lifestyles for ageing and wellness. It contains selected resources in the long history of humankind, either from the East or the West with three main levels, including health literacy, quotations and famous sayings, and successful stories. What is considered a reputable source and what is an amateur opinion from a “so-called” expert is basically differentiated by taking advantage of big data mining and artificial intelligence. A working tool called Multilingual Wizard is designed, of which the real advantage lies in the agility with which explorers can retrieve and browse the knowledge base swiftly and smartly through the classification scheme, thus enabling them to study and discuss whatever topic is in it. A test of a relatively small population of local volunteers over sixty-five shows that the individual lifestyle contains mental mood, exercises/sports, daily diet, life orientation, and other ingredients. All healthy lifestyles for ageing and wellness largely resemble one another while each unhealthy lifestyle is unhealthy in its own way. It is fun and rewarding to explore the wealth of the human heritage in light of modern medical sciences. Let’s focus on the familiar, be open to advancement, and think how to live a fuller and fitter life.


Liangyi Cui
Researcher, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Cultural Perspectives on Aging


Lifestyles Mental and Spiritual Wellbeing