Design Is Not for Philosophy; It’s for Life (Miyake)


DeFiddes embraces eight life elements based on different aspects of everyday life which can be incorporated into the design of both indoor and outdoor spaces of residential aged care facilities. These elements provide opportunities for engagement and interaction for people living with dementia, their families, and staff in ways that are vibrant, purposeful, and meaningful. Typically, many designers focus on the presentation and aesthetics of indoor spaces whilst outdoor areas are often predominantly landscaping works. Being outdoors is embedded into the Australian psyche and these spaces in residential care environs require careful attention to optimise access and outcomes for those who live there whilst considering operational concerns in areas of risk and safety. The eight life elements were successfully integrated into the revitalisation of an outdoor area in a dementia specific wing of a Western Australian residential aged care facility. The creativity and meaningfulness of the project resonated with all stakeholders and reiterated the value of the eight life elements to underpin all project concepts going forward.


Samantha Neylon
Clinical Director, Management Team, DeFiddes Design and Gary Batt Architects

Debbie de Fiddes


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Cultural Perspectives on Aging

