The Construction of a Well-being Index of Older People


This research provides a measurement to describe the well-being level of older people in every province in Indonesia, called the composite well-being index for older people. Ageing welfare can encourage older people to participate actively and positively in the development of a region which has encountered a second demographic dividend. However, the well-being of older people in developing countries such as Indonesia is still weak. In order to improve it, it is necessary to measure the indicator for monitoring its level and to intervene in the development strategy of ageing welfare programs. This composite index is built by referring to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) method which is compiled from four dimensions (social relationship, health, resources, and environment). The data source for this research is Inter-censal Population Survey in 2015 (SUPAS) and the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) in 2015. The results show that the well-being index is a valid measure with its significant correlation with the Human Development Index (HDI). Every province has its dimension score so that the achievement of every dimension can be known. The suggestion for the Indonesian government is that in order to improve the well-being of older people, the development priority for every province can be started from the dimension of well-being which has the lowest achievement. Therefore, the development priority will be more appropriate and won’t be misleading.


Ayesha Tantriana
Junior demographer, Regional Account and Statistical Analysis, BPS-Statistics Indonesia, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia