Project to Prevent Falls among the Elderly with Dementia in a Day Care Facility


Individuals with dementia are highly vulnerable to personal health and safety threats. In recent years, the increasing incidence of accidental falls among elderly of day care facilities has been attributed to aging, disease symptoms, and sedative drug effects. The fall incidence rate for dementia patients in our day care facility changed from 0.06%, 2014 to 0.13%, 2015 in order to reduce elderly injuries and avoid the long-term health consequences of these injuries. This project was conducted between January 1st, 2016 and December 31st, 2016. Our approach included direct observation, literature review, meeting discussions, and data compilation. The intervention composed four facets: Staff/caregivers: providing education and training skills to prevent elderly falls; seniors: enhancing elderly motivation to keep physically fit and assess medication side effects; environment: increasing living condition safety; and policy: replacing defective equipment, performing equipment checks on schedule, and managing a fall-prevention program. We reviewed plans and improved the fall-prevention strategy for dementia patients in the day care facilities. Finally, the rate of fall in 2016 was 0.01%. However, to prevent fall among dementia patients in a day care facility, health care providers should work together as a team. This project provides a reference for care program planners and administrators.


Hui-Li Liu


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Medical Perspectives on Aging, Health, Wellness


"Day Care Facility", " Dementia", " Elderly", " Falls"