Elderly People with High-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders in Japan: Life Story Analysis


In the decades since autism was first formally described in the 1940s, there have been major advances in research relating to diagnosis and treatment approaches for children with this condition. However, research into outcomes or effective interventions for adults and elderly people with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders (HF-ASDs) is much more limited. Thus, research to gain a better understanding of these elderly people with HF-ASDs is clearly necessary. Based on the life story analysis of elderly people with HF-ASDs, this paper clarifies the difficulties and needs in their communities and to examine comprehensive social support for them. Life story analysis has been found to be particularly useful for individuals who are oppressed by society. Because of that, this study utilizes life story analysis of the elderly people with HF-ASDs. Life story analysis will highlight the importance of equitable and ongoing relationships as a means of giving primacy to the voice of people with elderly people with HF-ASDs in day-to-day practice. This study will clarify the special needs and difficulties among the elderly people with HF-ASDs and also newly identifies actual supportive conditions for them.


Chiaki Iwata


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Cultural Perspectives on Aging


"Elderly People with High-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders", " Life Story Analysis"