Moral Person and the Elderly


Morality, which is the value system of affecting and controlling human behavior in society, is present everywhere where there is life. Ethics, which is the theoretical dimension of morality emerging in the realm of practice, is the philosophical assessment knowledge of morality. Like all philosophical disciplines, ethics has some of its own terms and concepts. Since antiquity the efforts to define these concepts continues. Goodness, virtue, and responsibility are some of them. Virtue ethics, one of the oldest types of normative ethics, is represented by a variety of forms from antiquity to present-day philosophy. Philosophical assessment about the relationship among wisdom, virtue, and ageing is related with the meaning of ageing. The ageing process is not only a quantitative but also a qualitative process. The analysis of this process will show us how to actually understand the relationship between aging and ethics.


Nurten Gökalp


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Cultural Perspectives on Aging


"Ageing", " Wisdom", " Virtue", " Morality", " Philosophy"