How Can the Justice System Respond to Displacement and Social Change?


The criminal justice system faces unique challenges and opportunities in an era of displacement and social change. Suppose the criminal justice system is unable to evolve. In that case, it will hinder its ability to maintain law and order while addressing the needs of communities, especially those that are in disadvantaged positions. This paper provides a framework for how the justice system can respond to our current social change in a holistic manner. The framework includes a proactive approach that acknowledges the underlying causes of displacement and social change rather than merely reacting to the symptoms. Agencies within the criminal justice system, such as law enforcement, courts, and corrections, need to recognize the broader social context and address the root causes through collaboration with other sectors, such as social services.


Angelo Brown
Student, PhD , Arkansas State University , United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2023 Special Focus: Agency in an Era of Displacement and Social Change


Justice, Reform