The Church - a Social Representative Medium for Positive Communication, Interbeing, and Shared Cultural Meaning


Representation and communication are integral elements in human meaning making, with the former referring to the way individuals or groups are depicted or reflected in various forms of communication, media, or culture, and the latter referring to the process of exchanging information, ideas, and emotions through language, symbols, signs, gestures, or other modes of expression. The way representation and communication are employed can either promote neutral, shared, or oppositional understanding among people, and these represent different communicative approaches that shape meaning making. Neutral communication is a method of communication that promotes a shared understanding without imposing any pre-established beliefs or values on the audience. It is a form of communication that emphasizes the usage of words and symbols that have a clear and agreed-upon meaning across different cultures. In this approach, communication is considered to be a tool for conveying information and establishing common points of reference. The purpose of neutral communication is to facilitate meaning making without causing confusion or promoting misunderstandings. The Church as an institution has long been viewed as a center for social interaction, where individuals of different backgrounds and beliefs come together to share their faith and traditions, resulting in a shared communication that can be used within the context of the church setting and in the larger society. Experiences within the church setting creates a social capital, which serves as a container for belonging, neutral communication, inter being, and shared representation of positive traits applicable in society outside of the four-walls of the church.


Jesse Eugene Herriott
Student, Ordained Ministry (Unity Minister), Unity Institute and Seminary (UWSI), Missouri, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Social and Community Studies


Interbeing, Representation, Inclusivity, Diversity, Hegemonic, Communication, Society, Human Meaning, Church