Affective Memory: Making Sense of the Recent Past through Letters to the Disappeared by the State during the "Dirty War" in Mexico


This research focuses on the writings that visitors to the memorial museum “Casa de la Memoria Indómita”, made during their visit to the institution. These writings are in the visitors books displayed along the exhibition. Through a qualitative analysis, I suggest that an affective memory is created in order to understand the violence that the Mexican State inflected to several citizens during the so called “dirty war” in 70´s and 80´s. This affective memory takes form in letters that the visitor writes to the disappeared, deploying emotions, calls to justice, hope and a reflections of current events in contemporary Mexico.


Xatziri Peña Licea
Student, PhD, Universidad Iberoamericana, Distrito Federal, Mexico


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Cultural Studies


Memory, Museum visitors, Emotions, Qualitative research