European Integration and Migratory Crisis: Between the European Union and the Member States, Who Is in Charge?


The present work analyzes certain aspects of the European community policy regarding the management of external migratory flows that it receives mainly on the Mediterranean coasts. Specifically, refugee crises and asylum applications collide with the decision-making machinery and community and national regulations of the host states, crystallizing a tangle of bureaucratic borders that, not because they are intangible, become less evident and problematic for migrants. It is from the specific cases of overcrowding in refugee camps such as Moria in Greece, that motivates us to propose a reading of the distribution of powers between the EU and the Member States in matters of migration and asylum under the light already not only of Community Law; but from the field of International Relations. From there, the sieve that this contemporary problem has had under the international security approach in the decision-making and regulatory structure of the EU and its Member States is addressed, losing sight of -or perhaps minimizing- its approach from Human Rights. Finally, some final reflections are rehearsed around a question: are we facing a humanitarian tragedy resulting from this diffuse distribution of powers and responsibilities between the EU and its Member States? Without intending to be definitive, these reflections leave open possible new questions and answers.


María Celia Martínez de Castro
Adjunct Professor and Principal Researcher, Research and Postgraduate Board, Universidad de Buenos Aires and Instituto Universitario Gendarmeria Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Civic and Political Studies


Refugees, European Union, Migration Crisis, Human Rights, European Community