The Right to Exist and be Existent Framed in the Ambient Trust of Commons


This study reflects on two ambiences: the Ambience-body (communication/recognition and regulation in the thresholds and surroundings of the bodies-ambiences), the body-ambiences (the body-flesh-ambience, limit-boundaries-bodies, the body that absorbs and fattens the ambiences and swallows up the now). Our discussions provide further insights on the meaning of to exist and existent framed in the Ambient Trust Commons and emerging conflicts as we try to understand our relationship with Nature, natural resources and the functioning of our global economy.


Lucia Morales
Academic, Accounting, Economics and Finance/ Economics, Technological University Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Alexandra Gonçalves
Dr, Comunicação e Semiótica, ESPACC, São Paulo, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Community Studies


Image, Ambiences, Communication, Commons