Playful Placemaking: A Scoping Review of Urban Heritage Area Applying Play Strategies for Placemaking


In the context of Bangkok’s urban heritage area, in addition to the growth of the tourism industry those who support the execution of the State-led Gentrification are the “Creative Class” Specifically, the designers, urban architects, and scholars, who came to develop the project in the urban heritage area with the good intention of creative city development, but the result turned out to support the upper middle class’s lifestyle while replacing the meaning of place from the original inhabitants, potentially leading to forced displacement of the poor from the area as has happened in many cities around the world.

This research is designed to discover the possibility of integrating the characteristics of play and urban play which is the universal language that different people’s needs can express through their playful behavior, plays a crucial role in creating trust, mutual understanding, and shared values between players (Swanson, 2020), and also be able to create new ways of imagining and experiencing the city. (Ackermann et al. 2016) into a placemaking framework to recreate the process of gathering and comprehending the needs of the local people during the pre-production phase of a creative city development project for the placemakers who planned to develop the project in the community.

This research employs qualitative methods. Explore the possibility of utilizing the characteristics of urban play in a placemaking framework through a literature review and interview. In addition, action research was conducted to design and evaluate a prototype of a playful placemaking plug-in in the real-world context.


Kanyanat Pornchanthong
Student, Master Degree, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

Hui Wen Lin
Associate Professor, Institute of Creative Industries Design, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus: Agency in an Era of Displacement and Social Change


Urban play, Sense of Place, Placemaking, Urban Heritage