Research on the Validity and Reliability of the World Health Organization's Quality of Life Module in Elderly Individuals


Based on career development, socialization and working process are generally accepted as a necessary and important phenomenon in the life of all people. In our age, even if a person does not work, he remains in the process of maturation and old age in both these periods. On the other hand, recent developments in medicine indicate the importance of quality of life as well as prolonging the aging period. Based on these general opinions, the aim of the research is to examine the validity and reliability of the scale for cultural differences and the quality of life in old age, socio-demographic differences in total scores and sub-dimensions. For this purpose, the quality of life of 148 elderly individuals was investigated in terms of socio-demographics. As a result of research, at the overall dimension or sub-dimension level; differences were found in terms of education level, marital status, smoking or not, a drug that is used regularly, and whether or not to have children. In addition, it has been observed that education level, marital status, and continuous drug and smoking use play a role in explaining the quality of life.


Sebnem Yücel
Professor, healthcare management, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey

Demet Akarçay Ulutaş
Assoc. Prof., Social work , KTO Karatay University , Turkey

Nilgun Sarp
Director of Graduate School, Faculty of Education, Final International university , Turkey

Recep Yücel
Proffesor, Management and Organization, Kırıkkale University, Kirikkale, Turkey


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Community Studies


Quality of Life, Elderly Individuals, Validity, Reliability