The “Dark Side” on Social Media


With the growth of social media, we are observing a change in peoples’ life. Some people bully others, and some people are bullied by strangers. Some of them end up with depression and some commit suicide. Especially, teenagers are living in a 3D virtual community with limited parents or government control. And parents are facing a harsh situation that they can’t protect nor forbidden their children in this wild world. Teenagers hare died playing dangerous games on TikTok. These situations happen around the world. Unlike film rating system used in filming industry in certain countries, the social media industry hasn’t created any monitoring system to control corporations’ behavior and operation, neither any government. In this paper, we provide a cross-cultural comparison between Western and Eastern countries (US, UK, Japan, South Korea, and China) to analyze the social and behavior change on social media (Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and so on). Furthermore, we discuss the CSR (Corporate Social Response) and internet law involved in these circumstances. In sum, we hope to offer an explanation of the current “dark side” of social media and provide suggestions to social media corporations and governments who may manage and control the situation.


Yang Liu
Assistant Professor, Business, Fitchburg State University, Massachusetts, United States

John Lohmann
Assistant Professor, School of Business, Fitchburg State University, Massachusetts, United States

John Crawley
Fitchburg State University


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Community Studies


Social Media, Corporate Social Response, Cross-cultural Analysis, Internet Law