Is There Racism in Sweden? : Very Little and Subtle - It Still Hurts


This project considers how discriminatory and stigmatizing discourses about ethnic, gender, and social class (GRSC) are articulated and normalized in the media and the education system in Sweden and in Latin America. The method analyzes the discourses of men and women who Afro-descendants in Swedish and their experiences about racism, in contrast of no Afro-descendants perspective. The focus is on those discourses that normalize discrimination against women, Blacks and poor people, their intersections and ambiguities. The comparison includes men and women and how they perceive racism in Sweden; and identifying how different groups articulate and normalizes discourses and practices; and how it is perceived and experienced as unfair treatment by Afro-descendants. The strategy is to identify how racism, patriarchalism, poverty, inequality, violence and conflict create intersections and are continuously reproduced over time in the context of school, work and daily life; and which are the main points of different discourses that represent obstacles to social cohesion, human rights, social justice and development -Foucault’s terms. How GRSC discrimination, patriarchal, racism and social inequalities is reproduced and persist for centuries in a society oriented to equality and inclusion. What are the main characteristics and issues of discourse and practices content in education and how is GRSC discrimination reproduced? What are the main patterns and peculiarities of racism in Sweden, its historical and institutional context.


Cristina Gomes
Professor, Researcher, Population and Development, FLACSO, Mexico


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Community Studies


Inequalities, Discrimination, Racism, Out-group relationships, Segregation