Campus Planning + Environmental Design: Constructing Spaces Promoting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion


American college students represent more diverse backgrounds than ever, and higher education considers this a value-added benefit for their campus populations. When looking at the mission, vision, and values of almost any institution of American higher education today, you will find three words: equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). Campus planners and environmental designers think in physical places and spaces, and must develop constructed environments that support institutional student retention, persistence, and graduation goals, as well as overall academic success. How can campus planners, environmental designers, and institutional partners ensure the physical environment is equitable, inclusive, and welcoming to diverse student populations of the twenty-first century?


R.J. Multari
Student, Educational Administration - Urbanism Track PhD ABD, University at Buffalo - SUNY, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Educational Studies


Campus Planning, Academic Planning, Environmental Design, Student Success and Retention