The Role of Social Agency to Overcome Social Problems in Pati Central Java: A Case Study of Conflicts at a Cement Factory in Pati 2007-2020


This research analyzes the social conflict in Pati, Central Java, as a social problem. Social conflict in Pati occurred due to the local government policy that granted a cement corporation permission. The government gave a permission grant for PT Semen Gresik and PT SMS (Sahabat Mulia Sejati). The conflict escalation was worsening due to several issues. The conflict actors also grew massively. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach and library research. The results show that (1) the social conflict management applied identification, diagnosis, and treatment techniques. The management combined some conflict mapping factors, such as the context, the issue, the dynamics, and the resolution of Wher; (2) comprehensive and deeper concepts of problem identification and safety valve agent as the local government’ consideration represented by the social institution to prevent, manage, and achieve effective and efficient conflict solution. The research concluded that social conflict became part of social problems. The conflict needed deep and comprehensive management by the related social institution, Thus, it requires handling that is adjusted to the dynamics of the interests of the community in the current era.


Sidik Puryanto
Lecturer, Social Science, Open University, Banten, Indonesia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Community Studies


Social conflict; Social problem; Social institution