A Reconsideration of Students' Learning and Belonging to Their Mother Language


This research considers the role of the Portuguese Language manual (Hernandes & Martins, 2013), indicated by the National Book and Teaching Material Program — PNLD (2015) on the teaching of Portuguese to public secondary school students in São Paulo — Brazil. The objective of this reflection is to observe the construction of the students’ discourse based on the manual, according to Bakhtin’s theory. Relevant in pedagogical relations, the textbook was the object of this summary in the approach of the Portuguese language, through the study of linguistic variations. This work, therefore, seeks to understand how the relationship of students with speech and writing occurs with regard to their belonging in the act of understanding the language. And, mainly, to understand how it is possible for it to become a tool for these same students as participants in social criticism. The students’ belonging to the “world” of conventional writing is given by the discourse constructed with the use of the textbook, provided that this purpose is mediated. And as a didactic strategy, the chapter on linguistic variations and written and oral activities were of fundamental importance in the collection of data on this learning. That said, the previous result of the analysis, based on these classes, was shown through the students who were led to reflect that language is a natural, cultural, dynamic and transforming manifestation.


Gabriela Da Silva Duarte
Student, PhD Student at Minho University, Minho University, São Paulo, Portugal


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Educational Studies