Gender Roles and Power Relations in Poultry Production in Kenya


Poultry is a well-known livestock enterprise in Kenya where various gender categories play a role in its production activities. The enterprise has earned recognition in the economy because it provides readily harvestable animal protein (meat and eggs) and revenue. The objective of this study was therefore to assess the role of the various gender categories as well as their power relations in poultry production in Kenya. Data were collected using qualitative methods such as key informants and focus group discussions. Data were also collected quantitatively using a survey that covered 394 households. This data was analysed using SPSS version 20 software. The main findings indicate that women dominated decisions pertaining to poultry production as well as performing most of the activities compared with men, girls and boys. They also had more access to poultry production resources such as credit, market and extension services than the other gender categories. However, men controlled land which is the most important production resource in poultry. The study recommends that since poultry is predominately a women enterprise, agricultural technologies, innovations and management practices pertaining to poultry production need to be gender responsive and therefore be tailor made to target the needs and perspectives women for increased productive.


Jessica Ndubi
Senior Research Scientist and Gender Coordinator, Socioeconomics and Policy Development, Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), Nairobi Municipality, Kenya


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Community Studies