Complex Adoption Trauma and Adoptee Suicide: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Adoptee Health and Wellbeing


This paper provides a medical sociological approach to understand post-placement adoption functioning. Placing the adopteeā€™s experience as central, this chapter presents a theory of complex adoption trauma that emphasizes the significance of adoption status as a social determinant of distress and illness. The study offers a non-psychocentric, biosocial relational approach to understanding adoptee health and wellbeing, including adoption suicidality, attempts, and completed suicides. Drawing on middle-range sociological theory of family systems, observations, and life histories, the study relies upon recent studies in epigenetics, traumatology, neuroscience and adverse childhood experiences to provide an integrative clinical approach to conceptualize complex adoption trauma.


Heidi Rimke
Associate Professor, Sociology, University of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Community Studies


Traumatology, Relinquishment, Displacement, Assimilation, Adoption, Adoptee, Mental Health, Sucide