A Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Housing First Vouchers and Rapid Rehousing Funding on Hospital Utilization Among Formerly Homeless Individuals


This study reviews the impact of the Housing First Vouchers on hospital utilization among formerly homeless individuals housed through the M25 Initiative’s Cumberland County Housing First Collaborative in New Jersey since 2017. The paper also compares the hospital utilization from individuals housed using Rapid Rehousing Fund (RRH) through the Collaborative. While considering various demographic differences, this paper compares the effectiveness of the two tools (Vouchers and RRH) in reducing hospital utilization. The findings of this study may inform public policy and private philanthropy in determining the most effective method in addressing homelessness and reducing the cost of homelessness in the hospital systems.


Robin Weinstein
Associate Professor/Chair, Human Resource Management Studies, College of Business, Wilmington University, Delaware, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Community Studies


Homeless, Hospital, Healthcare, Housing First, Public Policy, Philanthropy, Housing First