COVID-19 Effects of the Sustainable Development Goals in Africa


The COVID-19 pandemic unprecedentedly hit the world, resulting in a standstill of human endeavours as well as regressing agendas of sustainable development. The pandemic has also debilitated health systems with insufficient public health infrastructures and interventions, thus culminating in increased cases of infected persons. Thus the pandemic has the potential to compromise global commitments to the year 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. It is also imperative to state that the COVID-19 crisis is exacerbated by hunger, poverty, weakened/insufficient health systems, as well as the lack of education, global cooperation, potable water and proper sanitation. It can be seen that the 17 UN- initiated SDG goals are hinged on necessities from the member states while making allowance for environmental considerations. However, the pandemic has drastically distorted the current state of development on the global scene, hence, the germaness for analysing the major economic consequences of the pandemic in the international business arena. The short-term analysis is practically impossible due to the shutdowns, while in the long run, the current economy will be a base for business development. This study analyses the way that COVID-19 pandemic is going to affect achievements towards SDGs. It is on this premise that this study sought to examine the effects of the pandemic on the actualization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This study therefore recommends the need to focus on the implementation of the SDGs, which would be favourable for countries in the present and unforeseen pandemics that may likely occur in the future.


Oluwayemi Olatoye
Lecturer, Library and Information Science, WSU, Eastern Cape, South Africa


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Global Studies