Innovation in Teaching Methodologies for Language Acquisition and Cultural Communication


The paper demonstrates the significance of enhancing creative expression while acquiring language skills. The research reveals the importance of coordination of content and action. The study explores the potential development of interest in understanding attitudes towards intercultural communication and cross-cultural awareness. Our participants were university students from China, Thailand, Japan, and India. The methodology used was based on interaction attentiveness, peer assessment and self-monitoring. Instead of putting emphasis on rote memorization of data, stimulating the imagination, to develop the communication process, was greatly encouraged. The learners used storytelling as a medium of expression. The result of the study generated an ardent desire among the learners to overcome cultural divides, understand the importance of the use of the English language and develop a sense of curiosity to study other cultures. Of the participants, those with high scores demonstrated greater cultural sensitivity and awareness. Our study proves that language acquisition could not be done in isolation, rather learning about cultures would lead to understanding and appreciation of English as a means of communication.


Chanchal Singh
Foreign Voice Teacher, ELC, College of Liberal Arts, Shantou University, Guangdong, China


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Innovation, Communication, Cross-Cultural-Sensitivity, Creativity