Weaving Cultural Narratives through Creativity and Reflective Practices: Challenging World Views towards Transformative Learning


Narrative has the power to change beliefs and shift our world view. Creating spaces for weaving narrative through cultural connection engenders new ways of thinking, seeing, and being where insight and imagination emerge. In re-visiting old traditions from Australian Indigenous concepts of ‘Caring for country’ and classical Greek mythology celebrating joy, life, spring and the natural world, we explore ancient cultural practices embodying the importance of the Arts, creativity and reflection. Immersing oneself in and experiencing these aesthetics, awakens a reimagining of what is possible to shift our personal beliefs and values. The workshop is supported by the authors’ research in creativity and reflective practice which builds on a community of practice (CoP) fostering curiosity, risk-taking, and having fun in a spirit of play. Artistic mediums such as drawings, frottage and frescoes, invite exploration and discovery of new ideas, expressed through the richness of earth colours inspired by local flora and fauna. Using a technique of ‘take a line for a walk’, synthesises mind, body and spirit, as we deeply reflect on what comes forward. Quiet contemplation focuses attention on five levels of creativity to suspend judgement, encourage curiosity, create a sense of ‘being in the flow’, boundary breaking and avoiding premature closure. Participants weave in and out of these states of sensing and being present to what emerges. Reflection in and on what emerges provides participants with a greater depth of understanding, insights, and learning that may challenge and transform their world view.


Bronwen Wade-Leeuwen
Educator Researcher (STEAM), School of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Macquarie University, New South Wales, Australia

Kathryn McLachlan
Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Macquarie University, New South Wales, Australia


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


2022 Special Focus—At the Crossroads of Paradigms: Considering Heterodoxy in the Social Sciences


Art and Cultural narratives, Creativity and Reflective practices, Transformative Learning