Scientific Production : Pandemic and Pandemony Context in Brazil


The study presents data on a bibliographic review of the production in the area of applied social sciences, especially Social Work in the period 2020-2021 on the Covid-19 pandemic and its consequences in Brazil. The results point to the public policies contemplated in the production as well as the challenges most frequently cited by the authors. Scientific production highlights the neoliberal agenda of the Brazilian government, the setback in the rights built by the Brazilian population and the systematic attacks on science, nature, workers, public policies in the perspective of meeting the excesses of the market to the detriment of the needs of the population. The great challenge pointed out is that Brazil is experiencing a deep crisis that transcends the pandemic through a neoliberal policy that increases the economic crisis and that incessantly brutalizes the working and living conditions of the majority of the Brazilian people, increasing social inequality. This economic crisis justifies fiscal austerity, privatizes public policies, repudiates the State and deifies the market. The production also presents some possibilities of confrontation and resistance as socio-educational actions aimed at the population’s access to services and social rights and encouraging collective practices of social control.


Maria Isabel Barros Bellini
Professor, Social Work, Sociology and Political Science, Pontifical Catholic University - School of Public Health, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Educational Studies


Scientific production, Brazilian public policies Pandemia/pandemoniu