When Competence is Questioned: Supervisor Perspectives


Supervision is one of the most important pedagogical strategies in counselor education (as well as in teaching and in nursing). The supervision alliance is one of the primary ways that the field of counselor education protects clients and facilitates learning for counselors in training. When students challenge the competence of their supervisor, the supervision relationship may change. Despite efforts from supervisors to provide an effective and productive supervision experience, supervisees sometimes question the competency of supervisors. Understanding the experience and process that supervisors go through when challenged could be critical to understanding the supervision relationship, resulting in the better protection of clients and the positive development of students. This study addresses the experience and process of supervisors having their competence questioned by students, provides information about how this experience can impact the supervision relationship, and explores the multicultural, systemic, and social influences that may be contributing factors.


Arianna Vokos
Student, Doctoral Candidate, The University of Montana, Montana, United States


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Educational Studies


Counseling, Supervision, Education, Pedagogy