A Mixed-method Collaborative Evaluation Approach to Psychotherapy


The Model for Collaborative Evaluations (MCE) was used to evaluate whether personal characteristics are associated with a multi-pillar, base 22-numbered scale. The MCE provided a baseline for formative and summative decision-making. A questionnaire and structured interviews were used to collect data from international community members. Psychotherapy Base22 offers a compass to search for the path that leads to psychological balance. It affords advantages like gaining specific insight for psychologists to use as a tool to provide individualized therapy. Humans are not defined by a single number, but by an interrelation of all the pillars in the construct. In Psychotherapy Base22, there are no good or bad, positive or negative numbers, just harmony or disharmony with numbers, which may guide those in the search for personal balance. Implications from the results of this collaborative evaluation are highlighted, including specific stakeholders’ perceptions, along with ways of using Psychotherapy Base22 with other stakeholders.


Michael Mitchell
Science Teacher, Charter High School, Florida SouthWestern Collegiate, Florida, United States

Michelle Rincones Rodriguez
Student, Bachelor of Science, University of Florida, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Social and Community Studies


Collaborative Evaluations, Model for Collaborative Evaluations, Psychotherapy Base22