Voice, Power, and Difference: A Creative Encounter of Learning and Becoming


Writing as a Mauritian woman of colour and a White British man respectively, we draw on our experience of working together as postgraduate research student and supervisor, to co-construct this study of intersubjective becoming. We use a collaborative, ‘writing-as-inquiry’ process, bringing together past and present email and WhatsApp exchanges, reflections, remembrances and poems, pieced together in a shared narrative. The resulting bricolage reveals how working across our cultural and contextual differences, enables us to explore our assumptions – about marginality and liminality, about whiteness and privilege. In embracing, rather than ignoring, the transnational, intercultural dynamic between us, our collaboration disturbs, even shifts boundaries of power, not privileging one voice over another, fostering a creative learning encounter. Finding our individual and shared voices in this way, we offer this collaborative narrative for others to consider the place of such intentional potentiality, of connecting across borders, and despite differences, to learn and become together.


Mark Price
Senior Lecturer, Institute of Education, St Mary's University, Twickenham, UK, United Kingdom

Rachel Martin
Doctoral Student, School of Education, Mauritius Institute of Education and University of Brighton, UK, Mauritius


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Cultural Studies


Transnational, Intercultural, Collaborative Inquiry, Writing-as-Inquiry, Learning Encounter, Power, Voice, Difference