Psychological Effect of Architecture on People: A Case Study of Saadat Hassan Manto’s Short Story “Naked Voices”


This research paper deals with the relation of architecture to space and to the occupants. This deals with the aspect that architecture plays an important role not only in literature; as a plot of the story but can be a turning point in one’s life.The methodology used will be architectural literary analysis. The story is based on the life style of factory workers. Due to poverty, their living condition was worse so the culture introduced by the workers lacked privacy. The style of architecture adopted by them due to shortage of space and excess of people was devoid of secrecy. The deep observation of the character affected his mind and he requested his family to get him married. His wish was fulfilled soon but as like others he could not be able to accept such life with very little of privacy. The plot of the story gets intensified with the architectural depiction. The characters seem fully attached; their thinking pattern and actions are in direct proportion linked to the type of house they live in. The psychological aspect of characters seems in harmony to the type of physical space that exists. The frustration a character undergoes is high lightened with the collaborative description of the building. The psychological development and transformation of lead character is affected by the physical setting. Hence, he is shown as a failure to adaptation where the space lacks to satisfy the need to privacy.


Saira Iqbal
Assistant Director, Press and Media, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Cultural Studies


Architecture, Literature, Culture