A Walk with the Homeless : Designed for Victory


Participants will learn lessons from a three-year study conducted teaching the Homeless Community (Adult Learners) a class titled Challenge to Change. This study was conducted one-year prior to the pandemic and was put on hold for implementation. 20% into implementation process, the results are encouraging. We asked participants experiencing homelessness two questions: What do you want? How can we help ? Gain access to Legacy Projects and discover the design of building a system for implementing for citizens in need. Explore qualitative data implemented with our designed-based solutions towards providing transition support in and out of homelessness.


Delfin Merlan
General Manager, Professor,Scout, Education/Business, Authentic Learning Experiences, Maximos, LLC., University of Maryland Global College , California, United States

Carr R Wheat
Kern High School District


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


2022 Special Focus—At the Crossroads of Paradigms: Considering Heterodoxy in the Social Sciences


Systems Thinking, Regeneration, Revival, Designed-Solutions, Authentic Learning