How Hong Kong and Mainland China Journalism Students Prioritize Values: A Comparative Study


In 2019, Hong Kong saw its largest social movement in recent years, triggered by the Extradition Bill. This chronic, grand, even violent wave of protests shocked the whole world, and received mountains of exposure in media coverage. For news reports centered on the protests from Mainland China and Hong Kong, even they differ in reporting frames, one thing, they reached consensus- the representation of conflicts between young people originated from Mainland China and local Hong Kong. That said, the inharmonious, nonnegotiable, and unreasonable dilemmas for young people have been all too familiar in two areas’ media, which raised questions-is this true- young generations coming from these two areas have such distressingly gaps, and if this is truly indeed, what reasons contributing to their varies? To address the above-mentioned questions, this study used the Rokeach Value Survey, combined with in-depth interviews, to compare the values of college students in Mainland China and Hong Kong who majored in journalism. Overall, their values differed more than being similar, yet the gap is relatively small. Both of these students prioritized the value of “just,” “fair,” and “honest” in their top five values, which further showed that they shared some basic principles of journalism. The difference lied in their ideas about the functions of news media. Students from Mainland China emphasized the function of conveying information, whereas another group highlighted the role of supervising governments. Culture, education, social environment, and media landscape have collectively influenced students’ value systems. Theoretical and practical implications are further discussed.


Tianlun Zhou
Student, Postgraduate, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Anyi Liao
Assistant Lecturer, School of Arts and Communication, Huaihua University, Hunan, China


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Educational Studies


Hong Kong, China, Journalism Students, Values, RVS