From the Panopticon to the Media-sphere: Society and Bio-digital Subjectivities in the Era of Cyberbeing


In his speech “The European Responsibility,” Merab Mamardashvili summarizes his utopia of the social integration of two main traditions: the Graeco-Roman and Judeo-Christian ones. In contrast, David Dubrovsky launches a new perspective for the present and future human evolution: the cyber-superman; the perfect merging of human mind and digital brain—or the bio-digital interface that reproduces personality and mental operations through the techno-replication of the bio-brain: the Dubrovskyan avatar. This cyber-superhuman project runs along with Dmitry Itskov’s “2045 Initiative.” How to understand and conceptualized this bio-digital landscape with its new products shaped after artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, holonomics, cyber-engineered cognition, and mass media technology as onto-genetic phenomena taking place in the new holistic media-sphere? Mutating from the cybernetic omnopticon to a self-contained media-sphere, the new society would be populated by hyper-optimistic cyborgs, and the systematic knowledge and critical assessment of these processes would require a new methodology able to deal with bio-digital “subjectivities” whose experience of “community” would be reduced to the exchange of pleasure (experienced as the form of transcendental happiness) and a depth-disengaged and shallow-dwelling infoconsumerism. I focus on Dubrovsky’s and Mamardashvili’s anthropological paradigms in the light of Istkov’s “2045” Initiative and their relationship to the phenomena of cyberbeing and cyberculture. I examine the phenomenon of cyberbeing as a “built-in” feature of a bio-electronic, transhuman ontology that impacts and transforms personhood into “cyborghood” in the context of fictional transcendences, body-deconstruction, and bio-technological interplays. A new “heterodoxy” (the holistic media-sphere) would determine the emergence of new heterodoxies in social sciences.


Inti Yanes-Fernandez
Faculty/Spanish Language and Culture/Literature and Cinemas, World Languages/Global Program, Williamsport Area High School/Susquehanna University, Pennsylvania, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—At the Crossroads of Paradigms: Considering Heterodoxy in the Social Sciences


Cyberbeing, Avatar, Media-Sphere, Dubrovsky, Mamardashvili, Omnopticon, Cybersociety, Bio-digital, Cyborg, Transhumanism