Top and Bottom, Right and Left: Raising the Whole Brain Child


This session focuses on the whole brain child as a revolutionary approach to child rearing that is based on brain science and the concept of neuroplasticity. People with basic knowledge in brain science know that different parts of our brain are specialized. For example, our right hemisphere is responsible for emotional experiences and decoding nonverbal cues, whereas our left side of the brain is logical, linear, and linguistic. In addition, we have a top sophisticated brain helping us with complicated mental processes such as executive functioning; and a bottom primitive brain that is in charge of automatic responses such as breathing, and anger. What’s important to note is that, while our emotional brain is almost innate and fully functioning at birth, our logical and sophisticated brain is not fully developed until mid-twenties. As a result, it is very easy for our emotional brain to take over during our early years and make the child prone to tantrums and aggression and make parenting difficult. The whole brain child is a child rearing approach that focus on strategies that parents and educators can utilize to help integrate the brain so that it can work in balanced and coordinated ways as a whole instead of distinct parts. Neuroplasticity is the concept that the brain can be wired and rewired by our experience. By integrating the brain, parents and educators provide experiences that foster healthy brain development. The whole brain child approach leads to more compassionate, effective parenting and healthier, happier children.


Houbin Fang

Qi Zhou


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Educational Studies


Whole Brain Child, neuroplasticity, effective parenting and healthier, happier children

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