Addressing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Higher Education in the USA


Accreditation authorities recently focused on standards regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and the concomitant need to measure initiatives. DEI assessments have been historically developed to elicit data about the institution, but measure the individual level (faculty or student) based on individual opinions/perspectives. These individual perspectives are aggregated to describe the institution. We believe that assessment at the institution level is needed to more effectively understand the institutionalization of DEI initiatives. Our research began with the development of a DEI assessment at the institutional level with input from university presidents, chief diversity officers and assessment specialists. DEI initiatives were identified in nine areas and an assessment developed to measure: Institutional Leadership & Infrastructure; Institutional Policies and Programs; Faculty and Staff Recruitment; Faculty and Staff: Retention; Student Admissions/ Recruitment; Student Retention/ Persistence/Completion; Student Support; Curriculum; and Budgetary Policies and Procedures. This assessment can be used for institutional planning and accountability. A national study was conducted (2021) with this assessment where findings revealed a wide variety of approaches to addressing DEI. For example, while most institutions included DEI explicitly in their missions (73%), less than 25% indicated they were meeting DEI expectations, providing supportive methods to retain faculty of color and reviewing their curriculum. While it was noted that the local context is an important factor, institutions were in agreement that engaging in discussions of methods of institutionalizing DEI led to a better understanding of their campus DEI strengths and challenges.


Tammie Cumming
Associate Provost, Academic Affairs, City University of New York, New York, United States

David Miller
School Director and Professor, School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education, University of Florida, Florida, United States

Anthony Brown
City University of New York Brooklyn College

Isana Leshchinskaya
Associate Director for Educational Research and Assessment, Institutional Effectiveness, City University of New York Brooklyn College, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Civic, Political, and Community Studies