Literary Arts in Themes of Animals with a Memory Work and Creative Writing: Considerations and Ideas towards Post-human Education


The study focuses on new ideas of post human approaches in education. The objective is in animal contacts and bibliotherapy approach in memory working through creative writing among students in teacher education The relevance is in literary arts practices associated to philosophical and psychological reflections giving perspectives towards post-humanities, also offering a sense of well being. The theoretical background consists of post-human theory of new animal turn and bibliotherapy approach, thus bringing new ideas of, where we stand as humans and non-humans in our educational system. Data consists of students (n=200) recalling their primary memories (2018-2020) related to animal contacts and animal characters in literature. Parts of Pritney Method are developed to realize the project. The paper discusses findings from cases where creative writing and literature are used to study students’ memories of their early animal contacts. Close reading with the examples from the studies of literary arts and memory work to illuminate, how animal theme and bibliotherapy approach are used in this project. Based on the notions of higher education students writing their memory-work related to animals and animal representations in literature, there is a consideration of the value of consciousness in animal geographies as becoming a teacher, also considerations towards post-human education. Students may create consciousness of the value of animal geographies and literary arts in education, and thus, move towards post human, and to develop different ways of caring and well being, to ethics and education that also encompasses the non-humans.


Pirjo Helena Suvilehto
University lecturer, and Title of Docent, Educational Sciences and Psychological Sciences and Humanistic Department, Literature (Docenture), University of Oulu, Oulun lääni, Finland


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Past and Present in the Humanistic Education


Animals, Bibliotherapy approach, Creative writing, Literary arts, Post human