Reading Club in English as an Interdisciplinary Course in University: A Didactic Proposal


There is no doubt that reading is one on the crucial elements for raising self-awareness, developing critical thinking and improving communication skills and empathy. Nevertheless, promotion of reading among teenagers and young adults is an increasingly challenging tasks in the context of contemporary digitalized world. Moreover, proficiency in English or another foreign language is also a key factor of the harmonious development of an open-minded, educated person. The author argues that having a reading club is an effective way to promote reading among University students, making them engage with art, literature and social issues, while fostering their English proficiency. One of the biggest challenges for the successful functioning of that course is the prejudices that many students have against reading. The author proposes an innovative method that was applied in the interdisciplinary course “Reading Club” in Spanish University Nebrija. A detailed description of the methodology, academic results and perception of the students are exposed, and recommendations for successful implementation of this course in other institutions are given.


Elena Navrotskaya
Associate Professor, Modern Languages, Nebrija University, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Communications and Linguistic Studies


Reading, English, Literacy, Humanities, University, Education