Using Visual Art in Health Professions Training: Enhancing Skills in Using and Interpreting Visual and Auditory Cues


Core competencies for health professionals include the ability to translate visual and auditory cues to make meaningful connections to their patients and the presenting health conditions. Health professional trainees can learn and practice these observation, visualization, and interpretation skills in the context of experiencing visual art. Museum educators and health professions educators have worked together to provide experiences that incorporate these skills into medical education curricula. Participants will have the opportunity to work in pairs to practice the skills of describing visual input and interpreting auditory input using visual works of art.


Hope Torrents
Director, Educator, Florida, United States

Gauri Agarwal
Associate Dean for Curriculum, Medicine and Medical Education, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Florida, United States

Neva Kirk Sanchez
Department Chair, Physical Therapy, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Florida, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Communications and Linguistic Studies


Visual Art, Visual Thinking Strategies, Medical Humanities