Creating a Multinational Perspective in the Language Acquisition Classroom: A Case Study from the Saudi Arabian Drilling Academy


This paper focuses on the use of a variety of integrated technological platforms including instructional technology as well as artificial intelligence (AI) to foster a multinational perspective among English language learners at the Saudi Arabian Drilling Academy. Given the multinational workforce represented in the Oil and Gas industry within Saudi Arabia, it is imperative that all workers, from the custodial staff to management, understand the differences in cultures represented within the industry. The use of AI technology as well as targeted materials aimed at exposing students to a variety of cultures serves as the framework for not only acquiring English, but understanding nuances in culture that will assist the student in navigating the linguistic and cultural nuances of a multinational workplace. We explore materials designed to help students understand the various cultures represented in the workforce (both technologically enhanced as well as low tech) and how we use those materials to prepare students to be contributing members of a multinational industry.


Carlise Wynne
Curriculum Developer, Academic Department, Dr. Carlise Womack Wynne, Saudi Arabia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Communications and Linguistic Studies


Communication, Language, Linguistics, Social Meaning, Globalization

Digital Media


Creating A Multinational Perspective In The Language Acquisition Classroom (Embed)