Whole Personhood in Medical Humanities Education: Integrating Arts and Humanities with an Equity Lens


Arts and humanities are increasingly being included in health sciences education, with innovative programs designed to improve physicians’ and nurses’ diagnostic tools, empathy, resiliency, and communication skills. The application of the creative arts in educational initiatives for medical practitioners is expanding within the larger field of medical humanities and the arts across the globe. Research suggests that physicians benefit greatly when the arts are included in their clinical training. Our team of 6 medical faculty and art museum educators developed and tested a curriculum as part of a 12-month research study of 3rd-year medical students integrating works of art and literature by artists who identify as BIPOC, LGBTQ+, or have a disability. The works of art served as focal points for inquiry, observation, reflection, writing, art production, and dialogue. We evaluated the impact of the new curriculum to improve implicit bias awareness and to increase empathy and perspective-taking. The format created an environment for the medical students to find connections to their patient encounters, personal experiences, and other medical education courses. Demonstrable outcomes included increased empathy, improved observational skills, enhanced communication skills, and an improved ability to treat people at various stages of life and from different cultures. Excellent opportunities exist for medical schools throughout the nation to partner with art museums in developing similar arts-based training programs which result in compassionate patient care and resiliency building for medical personnel.


Lisa Abia-Smith
Director of Education, University of Oregon, Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, Oregon, United States

Elizabeth Lahti
Director of Narrative Medicine, School of Medicine, Oregon Health Science University, Oregon, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Past and Present in the Humanistic Education


Museums, Medical Humanities, Bias, Empathy, Art Education, Arts