"Of Pains, Longings and Destiny": Christian Symbolism in John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath


Christian religious tradition is around 2000 years old and is one of the major religions of the world. This religious tradition has got its own symbols and signs. In the novel “Grapes of Wrath” by the American author John Steinbeck, one can see the portrayal of the movement of a family of migrant workers, the Joads, from Oklahoma to California during the Great Depression fleeing poverty and the Dust bowl, in search of greener pastures. In the novel description of a turtle traveling through the heavy soil foreshadows the slow and arduous journey the Joads will face. Steinbeck intertwines Christian images and the theme of Exodus throughout the narrative. The character of Jim Casy evokes thoughts about Jesus Christ in the reader. The novel is replete with Christian themes of endurance, hope in suffering, mutual care, sense of community/ togetherness, and a persevering mindset even in the midst of crises.


Alvin Joseph
Assistant Professor, English, St. George's College Aruvithura, Kerala, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Literary Humanities