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Alberto E. Lopez-Carrion, Researcher, Communication Sciences, University of València, Valencia, Spain

Deference and Diplomacy: Navigating Authors' Moral Rights in a Converged Literary Landscape

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Katherine Day  

uthors’ moral rights throughout history have been protected in various degrees across the globe: French law honours authors’ rights to their particular, individual creative expression as supreme and perpetual; German law considers an author’s moral rights and economic rights in equal measure; in Australia, moral rights, though only recently codified, are not transferrable as they can be in the UK if waived. While the overarching Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works promises to protect the personality and reputation of authors, the literary landscape is now more diverse, with cross-platform entertainment streams expanding subsidiary rights opportunities in ways not anticipated even a decade ago. This paper explores how publishers and authors are currently navigating the publishing process post contract negotiations. Do authors defer to having their work manipulated to increase exposure or sales? Are publishers and editors successful negotiators and mediators of multiple uses of creative content and the authors who are inextricably tied to the work? Ultimately, where are the lines drawn when considering moral rights and opportunities in a converged literary landscape.

The Challenges for Publishing Political Research on Race, Ethnicity, and Gender View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Sharon Austin  

In this study, I consider the challenges scholars encounter when attempting to publish research on racial, ethnicity, and gender in political science journals. I am a member of the editorial team for the American Political Science Review and am a co-editor of a Government and Politics in the South series of the University Press of Florida. I offer advice to scholars based on my 30 years of academic experience and experience of the top journal in the discipline of political science.

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