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Ioannis Sidiropoulos, Student, Doctor of Philosophy - Victorian College of the Arts, The University of Melbourne, Australia

Communication as a Tool for Healing: Using Communication Theory and Practice to Reduce Division, Anxiety, and Rage View Digital Media

Workshop Presentation
Amy Lewis  

The purpose of this workshop is to give educators "shovel ready" techniques for teaching communication theory and skills in restorative ways. In a world increasingly divided by partisan politics, disinformation, and social strife, communication skills are more important than ever. This workshop looks at how interpersonal communication skills, such as adopting dual perspective, avoiding fundamental attribution error, engaging in mindful listening, and creating confirming communication climates can aid students, colleagues, and others in healing our increasingly fractured world and reducing the anger and anxiety that seem to consume so many of us. The goal is for participants to have a strong grasp of these concepts and generate ideas of how they can incorporate them into their classroom and workplaces regardless of discipline. Activities such as role play, media analysis, and case studies are combined with group discussion to ensure the connections between theory and practice are clear, meaningful, and accessible.

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