Galaw-Nilay: Articulating Interiority through Meditative Dance Movement in Film


This study is dedicated to narrating the artistic process and intentions behind the creation of the short dance film, Still One, which is part of my performance portfolio for my PhD in Dance. This paper is based on my PhD research which investigates interiority as a key element in meditative movement practice, mining its potential not just as a source of movement material but as a locus of experience and creative expression. I call it galaw-nilay, an iteration of meditative movement through Philippine language. Galaw is Filipino for ‘movement’ and nilay means ‘to meditate or contemplate.’ It is a somatic proposition which refers to a practice of self-attunement and awareness to access interiority as a means for dance preparation and movement generation. In my dissertation, I define my own somatic-affective experience of galaw-nilay, mining the affective qualities of the term from local language through my corporeal and experiential archive. I use the solos of Filipina-American choreographer Kristin Jackson as a case study for my iteration of the interior in meditative movement, and I also define my own creative practice and dance in film.


Rina Corpus
Student, Phd Candidate, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Critical Cultural Studies


Interiority, Dance, Meditative movement, Baybayin, Galaw-Nilay, Somatics, Screendance, Philippine culture