Closing the Assessment Loop: A Case Study in Improving Outcomes for Online College Students during the Pandemic


To counter the adverse effect of Covid-19 on student success, two faculty members at a U.S. community college have used web-based assessment data to improve curricula and, thus, student outcomes. This case study exemplifies how “closing the loop” by analyzing outcome assessments can improve student learning for academically underprepared students struggling during the pandemic. The purpose of the study was to develop ways to mitigate the negative impact of Covid-19 on student success of underprepared college students. Using the AEFIS (Assessment, Evaluation, Feedback & Intervention System) and assessment tools from the college’s Office of Institutional Research, an English professor and a Music professor collected data in skill areas related to their curricula over four semesters, gaining insight into specific learners’ performance across different Covid-driven course formats - face-to-face, hybrid, synchronous, and asynchronous. Real-time data collection allowed faculty to shorten and close the assessment loop, and prompted faculty to enhance their curricula with engaging material, student-centered activities, and a variety of tech tools. Frequent communication, individualized study, constructive criticism, and encouragement were among other measures taken to enhance teaching and learning. As a result, even while student success rates were declining college-wide, student outcomes in these faculty members’ asynchronous and synchronous online classes improved or remained comparable to student outcomes in hybrid and face-to-face sections. These practices demonstrate that even high-risk students who enter college with remedial level language and mathematics skills, interrupted education, work and family responsibilities, and language and cultural diversity can maintain positive outcomes in college across semesters.


Linda Fellag
Associate Professor, English, Community College of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Arlene Caney
Associate Professor of Music, Music and Humanities, Community College of Philadelphia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Past and Present in the Humanistic Education


Online, Covid, Student outcomes, Assessment