The Analysis of Changing in the Use of British and American English Modals and Semi-modals Over Time


Although the techniques of my previous study have been shown to present several advantages over traditional two-point cross-sectional analysis in many respects, they would still be appropriate to generate findings that are comparable to past diachronic analyses of modal and semi-modal frequencies. One of the purposes of such a comparative analysis is to determine whether past findings about the change in modal and semi-modal frequencies can be triangulated through analyses of the Hansard Corpus (THC) and the Corpus of Historical American English (COHA). Another purpose is to better ground the current study in the existing research on modal and semi-modal frequency change.


Abbas Hussein Tarish
Dr., English Department, Al-Esraa University College, Baghdad, Iraq

Munthir M. Mohammed
Dr., English Department , Al-Esraa University College, Iraq


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Communications and Linguistic Studies


Corpus-Analysis, Modals, Semi-Modals, British, American, English