Quality of Democracy and Gender Equality: Statistical Analysis of the Equality Subdimension in Peru (2009-2019)


Equality is a main indicator of the measurement of democratic quality. Therefore, to what extent is gender equity considered to assess the quality of democracy? Starting from one of the elements of Leonardo Morlino’s theoretical definition of democratic quality, equality, the aim is to study whether there is a democracy of quality for women in Peru, including a gender approach. First, the indicators studied have been divided into four categories: political participation, economic and labor situation, health, and education. Furthermore, the macro-territorial division of Peru has been considered: Coast, Highlands and Rainforest, and the study has been carried out for the years 2009 and 2019. Hence, to find the degree to which the indicators analyzed are concomitant with the variation in the quality of democracy, statistical methods have been used: Principal Component Analysis, Correlation Analysis between variables and Mixed Model of Random effects. These statistical analyses have been conducted using the database of the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics of Peru (INEI). The importance of this research is based on the fact that the study of the quality of democracy with a gender approach allows distinguishing the performance of the Peruvian political regime and verifying the extent to which women are respected as Peruvian citizens. In addition, the use of statistical methods makes it possible to analyze the association between the different variables studied and to distinguish whether the passage of time, geography and sex are significant indicators in the study of the quality of democracy.


Luz Anamar González de la Rosa
Student, Doctorado de América Latina y la Unión Europea en el contexto internacional, Universidad de Alcalá, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Civic, Political, and Community Studies