A Critical Analysis of The Reintegration of Ex-Terrorists into Nigerian Society


Nigeria has witnessed different forms of challenges involving insecurity and threats to lives and properties in the hand of some elements claiming to be on the rampage to achieve religious and political balancing for citizens.These elements vary ranging from one Islamic group to another with a unified aim of reforming Nigeria politically and religiously through coercion. Recently, the Federal Government initiated a program called “operation safe corridor” as part of the strategies to de-radicalize, rehabilitate and reintegrate the Ex-Boko Haram members back to the Nigerian society after years of the incessant activities of the group. various scholars, security experts and public analysts have thrown their weights on writing and discussing Boko Haram activities in term of their historical background, formation, funding, beliefs, continuous threats to peace and coexistence of the country, with several amnesty activities put in place nationally and internationally to put an end to menace of the deadly group. But, one critical aspect yet to be discussed or adequately captured by these scholars, security experts and the public analysts is the security implication of the de-radicalization and reintegration of terrorists into the Nigerian society. if not properly addressed, the Nigerian society may end up, de-radicalizing, reintegrating and granting amnesty to the enemies within, which may in no time become a threat to the political, economic and socio-cultural activities of the country. This study aims to give a critical analysis of the implications of reintegrating ex-terrorists to the Nigerian society and suggest possible ways to avoid negative implications.


Zainab Yuguda
Student, MA, Institute of African and Diaspora Studies, University of Lagos, Nigeria, Lagos, Nigeria


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Civic, Political, and Community Studies

