Literature as a Tool to Decode Twenty-first Century : Learning to Live Together in a Globalised, Multiracial World


Although literature is one of the least popular subjects at schools, it must have got something which caught the attention of civilastions over 30000 years ago and still is studied by academia. The aim of this paper is to show another view of the matter so that we can make the most of its contribution not only concerning studies but also in our every day lives. There is no doubt boundaries have practically been eliminated and constant traffic of people (with their consequent apportations and changes in culture, manners and life perspectives) has deleted that old-fashioned sense of community where “strange” meant “dangerous”. It is only by means of education and willingness to understand each other that past failures might not be repeated again. Thus, only an analysis led by learned professionals will help us distinguish what is convenient for our situation so that fairness and adequate representation can be achieved. The main ideas will be presented, taken from literary and other cultural sources of information.


Francisco Rafael Alcalá Moreno
Student, English Studies and Primary Education, University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Critical Cultural Studies